Best Pitcher Water Filters For Home

Clover Dane

Best Pitcher Water Filters For Home

We tried a variety of popular water filtering pitchers. One model completely blew the rest off the table. These are the best pitcher water filters for home.

If you’re wondering why you should invest in water filtering pitchers and you’re not sure, the best pitcher can enhance the flavor and the quality of your drinking water. For those who drink bottled water A good pitcher or home filter system will also help you save hundreds of dollars a year. It also keeps the untold amount of plastic of landfills and recycling systems. Water filter pitchers are easier to use -all you need to do is filling it with water from the tap, and then give it a bit of time for it to filter in the primary reservoir that can take up to 30 seconds or even a couple of minutes, based what model you choose.

Brita is the most well- well-known brand of water filter pitchers However, that doesn’t mean it’s necessarily the top water filter, however. We tested a variety of top-rated water filter pitchers with prices that ranged from $18 to over $100, to determine the most effective filters in a category full of options. The most efficient water filtering pitcher is one that is able to effectively and quickly eliminate majority of impurities found in water from the tap.

In our previous round of testing water filter pitchers one model snuck out the other models in its wake. In this latest round, the same pitcher produced by ZeroWater retained its shape, eliminating almost all of TDS, or total dissolving solids also known as TDS and leaving the glass with a fresh taste of H2O.

While this particular pitcher might have produced the most impressive technological results during our testing and is our choice for the majority of our customers but there are other pitchers that are worthy of taking into consideration for different reasons.

These are the top water pitchers that filter water for 2022.


The best general water purifier pitcher

ZeroWater ZeroWater was easily the most effective water filter pitcher from the group in both this round and in the previous tests. The water purifier is reasonably priced, durable and is available in several sizes that all use identical filters.

In our tests, the ZeroWater filter was able to remove almost all TDS out of the water that we tested it. The result was zero average readings and is our top performance by far. ZeroWater has such confidence about its products for filtering that every model comes with the TDS water quality test kit to let you know how it performs. We tested our own test along with the one provided and the filter gave us an excellent TDS score for both.

ZeroWater pitchers are larger that Brita and Pur however they’re is by no means a luxurious purchase, with the smaller models that start at only $30. They all use the same filtering system, which means it is likely that you will receive the same clean water regardless of which one you pick. To give you an idea, Brita and Pur, however offer their filters at $7 and claim to offer the same filter lifespan of 40 gals.

Brita Standard Metro Filter Pitcher

Brita is most likely the most known pitchers for water filters and it did excellently in our tests it was second only to ZeroWater in terms of overall removal of the dissolved substances. The Brita eliminated approximately 40% of the TDS. It’s not a terrible performance, but significantly lower than the overall winner.

The model is around $13 cheaper than the ZeroWater’s cheapest model and is among the most cost-effective water pitchers available there. To make it efficient, filters that replace them can be purchased for around $3. Each is believed to remove 40 gallons of water, sufficient for approximately two months of constant usage (the same timeframe that ZeroWater has).

Though I was not awestruck with the design of the Brita The plastic seems a bit cheap, it weighs only 1.32 pounds, which makes it less than half the weight of ZeroWater. If you have children who are small or family members who aren’t strong enough to carry a pitcher, this might be an ideal choice.

Brita also produces an “Longlast” filter, which is specifically designed to run three times longer than conventional filters. We’ve tested the Longlast and found that it performed far better that it’s Legacy (standard) filter. It’s also more expensive therefore I’d recommend sticking with the Legacy when purchasing the Brita.$16 on Amazon

Seychelle pH20

Ideal pitcher to add the alkaline in your drinking water

If your goal is to include alkaline in your water, then you’ll need an entirely different approach. In the previous round of test for filtering, we conducted tests for pH. pH values (measurements of the degree of acidity or basicness the water you drink) vary from 0 to 14, 7 being an average reading.

Despite contradicting studies on the subject certain people believe there are health benefits to drinking more simple (or more alkaline) water. This is why certain firms make water pitchers equipped with filters that add nutrients when tap water flows through.

The cost of the Seychelle pH20 pitcher boosted tap water from a simple reading 8.39 to 10.1 The biggest improvement of all three pitchers with alkaline content in my testing group. The water filtration system in this pitcher makes use of two filters at the same time however, they are designed to last up to 200 gallons. The cost of a replacement filter is $50.$70 on Amazon

Talk about Pitchers

For those who want to start to get started, here’s a our list of six pitchers that we tested:

Brita Metro Standard

Brita Everyday

Brita Longlast Monterey

Larq UV self-cleaning

Pur Plus


The main thing to be aware of in this chart is the estimated lifespan of each filter in relation to the cost. It is important to note that the Brita Metro Standard as well as Everyday models as well as The Pur Plus and the ZeroWater pitchers all have an estimated life of the filter, which is up 40 gallons. The Brita pur filter model and filter are $7 each while the ZeroWater filters are priced at $15 per (but they are available in two packs of $30).

Like you’ll see from the photo above as you can see in the image above, the ZeroWater filter to the left is massive in comparison to other filters. Of course, this does not mean it is better, however, in this instance it appears that ZeroWater performed well over the others when it came to removing the contaminants. ZeroWater claims that it has a five-stage filter which is more effective in eliminating particles and also stopping mold growth with usage. Based on our tests it appears that the company could be on to something.

(Keep at heart that your filter’s lifespan will differ based upon the purity of the tap water and the amount the filter must “work” to get rid of impurities.)

What tests do we conduct?

To test the water filter pitchers, our team cleaned each one using mild soap and water Then, we followed the manufacturer’s instructions for soaking, washing or any other preparation of filters to use. Then , we filled a mark-on mason glass jar with 16oz of tap water. We then employed the Orapxi test for water quality to determine and record what TDS present.

Although the results of my tap water varied a bit each time I filled up a fresh glass with 16 ounces, the TDS level of the water was always between 47-50 ppm which is a reference to parts of a million.

Then we put all 16 ounces of water into the water filter pitcher, and waited for it to purify all the water, then poured it into a fresh glass and read the results again. If you use a nonalkaline pitcher, it is expected to show drops in TDS readings, since minerals and impurities are eliminated out of the water. We repeated the steps three times for each pitcher.

TDS meters aren’t advanced enough to determine what minerals, impurities and other minerals the filters are able to eliminate (or increase, in the case of Alkaline Pitchers). Therefore, using TDS in isolation as a measure of the quality of water has some limitations. However, generally speaking for a standard filter water pitcher, we would like to see a reduction in TDS reading. Some examples of the most popular TDS are “calcium magnesium, calcium, sodium bicarbonate, potassium, sulfate, chloride silica and bicarbonate” as per the US Geological Survey.

In the previous round of tests, we put three pitchers for alkaline water filters through a test of pHclearly filtered, invigorated Water pH Vitality, and Seychelle pH20. Each saw increases in pH and TDS as they’re made to include minerals into your water. However, the Seychelle was the one to show the largest pH boost, which is why we’ve rated Seychelle as the top pitcher to purchase if you are looking to add alkaline to the water you drink.

Both Brita pitchers using the standard filter came in second place, with a decrease from TDS from 57 from 31 (a 45.6 percent reduction).

The taste of water was difficult to gauge, however every pitcher did to reduce the metallic taste of the tap water I drink. Unexpectedly, the ZeroWater pitcher model was the best, and had no noticeable metallic scent or taste.

Overall overall, the ZeroWater (ZP-010) helped us make our work a breeze in the two rounds of testing. There are other great options available. Its Brita Metro Standard makes a fantastic budget filter pitcher which weighs less than ZeroWater’s pitchers, and comes with lower-cost replacement filters. Its Seychelle pH20 is an excellent choice for a pitcher if you are looking to add alkaline to your water.

It is important to remember that we’re actually testing filters here, not the pitcher in itself. Since most pitchers for home use manufactured by a single manufacturer will utilize similar filters, it’s possible to be sure that regardless of the size or shape of dispenser you select the filter will do the same thing, for greater or less. ZeroWater for instance, offers an collection of around six pitchers as well as dispensers, jugs and pitchers in a variety of sizes all of them using the same highly effective five-stage filter. The only issue with the brands we’ve tried is Brita that has an LongLast filter which didn’t perform as well than those using the Legacy Brita filters.

Another major point is how much filtered water pitchers can differ in terms performanceor even in relation to their primary role, like with Alkaline water pitchers. When you know your requirements prior to purchasing it, you’ll find the ideal water pitcher for your needs.

Top water filtering pitchers FAQs

Which water filtering pitchers eliminate the most harmful contaminants?

Our tests showed that it was pretty evident which pitcher for water filtering got rid of all the contaminants. This Zero Water pitcher, while considerably larger and more expensive than other pitchers, eliminated all the substances that we tested for. Its Brita filter pitchers were in second place , and took out a large quantity of contaminants.

We haven’t yet tested these yet, they are sophisticated water filters you can install in your kitchen sink by brands like Aquasana, Hydroviv and Berkley. These water filters could yield more results, but they will cost around $200-$500 and will require some kind of installation, which can incur additional costs.

Are water filter pitchers able to remove the bacteria?

No. Water filter pitchers eliminate harmful contaminants such as copper, lead, chlorine as well as organic chemicals that can affect the taste, but they not destroy bacteria. The water you drink is likely to already have been sterilized for bacteria however If you’re worried about it an ordinary water filter will not be able aid you.

If unchanged for long durations of time, the water filter could develop grime that could lead to bacteria being able to multiply and spread throughout your water. This is why you should be sure to clean the filter as directed by the manufacturer of each product.

Do I wash my the water pitcher?

The most important thing you could do to ensure your water pitcher is fresh is to change the filter. The majority of filter pitcher manufacturers, including Brita as well as Zero Water recommend replacing the filter every 40 gallons, but this can vary based on model.

The majority of the water pitchers we examined can be cleaned just like the rest of kitchen equipment once every few weeks. It is possible to remove the filter and clean them manually using soap and hot water Be sure to thoroughly clean the pitcher in order it doesn’t leave soap remnants. Water filter pitchers are generally dishwasher safe too. Make sure to clean the filter that should not be cleaned using soap.