How long do Berkey filters last

Clover Dane

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How Long Do Berkey Filters Last

When you decide to purchase the Berkey filter, then many questions arise in the mind. The most significant question is about the lifespan of the filter. You have to know when it’s time to change the filter or how long do filter last. In this article we discuss about how long do berkey filters last?

Usually, the long-lasting running of the Berkey filter depends on the usage and the size of the filter. Therefore, it is most important that evaluate your demands of consumption of water and know the lifespan of the Berkey filters.

Lifespan of the Berkey filters

The lifespan of the filter will depend on the size and capacity. The purification element of the black Berkey enables to purify more than 3,000 gallons of water. Further, the Berkey has two elements, so then it will able to filter more than 6,000 gallons of water.

On the other hand, if your requirement for the filtered water is approximately five gallons per day, then the filter runs for more than 1200 days. Ultimately, this usage of the filter last long for more than three years.

For the best long-lasting performance of the filter, you can also wash the lower chamber with any dish-wash soap.

How Long Do Berkey Filters Last

Time Frame to Change the Filter

There are many factors that affect the lifespan of the filters. The size of the family and the consumption of the water depend on the long-lasting running of the filters.

Normally, the running of the filters is between two to six years. If you have a small size of the family, the filter will last for numerous years. On the opposite side, if you have a large size of family, then the filter will run for few years.

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Normally, the running of the filters is between two to six years. If you have a small size of the family, the filter will last for numerous years. On the opposite side, if you have a large size of family, then the filter will run for few years.

Filtration System Variations and their long-lasting life

Every filtration system of the Berkey is different with respect to their sizes. The large system and small system both contain filters that have the capacity to produce more than 22,700 liters of filtered water. The long-lasting running of the filter depends on the usage of the water quantity.

Is the Berkey Filters Recyclable after their lifespan?

Indeed, the Berkey filters are not suitable for recycling. Hence, the micro-pore matrix of filters is complex. Thereby, they are not recyclable after their lifespan. After a specific time period, you will need to change the filter of the Berkey system. The cleaning of the Berkey’s filter is very difficult to clean but they are also harmful. Moreover, it is a recommendation to dispose of the used filters instantly.

The one important and the clear thing is that you have to replace the filter of the Berkey system after its lifespan. No matter what is the size of the water filtration system, you have to change the filter after a certain time period.

Keeping Up with Berkey filters

In brief, the Berkey filters are not only great in their performance but have a great lifespan. These are long-lasting filters. They are eco-friendly and also need minimum maintenance. The Berkey filter will long last for numerous years.