Can A Water Softener Be Installed Outside

Clover Dane

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Can A Water Softener Be Installed Outside

The water softeners with the fiberglass tank have the ability to work very well outside also but have a freezing issue. If anyone wants to know can a water softener be installed outside, then there are some cautions that you should take. The parts of the water softener including the valve should protect from sun, rain, and wind for the smooth running of the outside water softener. Further, the protection is also necessary to protect the parts from failure.  

Water softener freeze outside

Generally, the water softener uses fiberglass in its manufacturing. The fiberglass is not a good insulator against the high extreme cold temperatures. If a water softener is installed outside, it will freeze very quickly. Especially, when there is weather of wind and rain.

Furthermore, the exposure of drain lines of water softener outside avoids the collection of water in sages due to which it causes freeze. It will cause the rupturing of the drain line. Further, if there is no rupturing of drain lines, then the line blockage also causes it to not regenerate and ultimately the water softener will not produce soft water.

The neoprene covers around the water softener work as a thermal insulation against cold temperature. Thus, if you want outside installing, then you need neoprene insulation to not freeze the water softener. Another solution to avoid the freezing problem is the utilizing of heat wrap tape. The heat wrap tape enables to prevent freezing.

Can A Water Softener Be Installed Outside

Sunlight damages a water softener

Overall, the sunlight never damage to the tank or parts of the water softener. Although, the ultraviolet rays are the reason to deteriorate and weaken the fiberglass of water softener with the passage of time. This can also happen to other parts of the water softener if sunlight expose to them over time.

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Bury the water softener if you want outside installation

To avoid all problems of outside installation of water softener, bury the water softener a few feet deep in the ground. This will help to avoid freezing. It helps to insulate the water softener. Most of the people use this method to avoid freezing when installing water softener outside.

In addition, the benefit of burying the water softener is to save the system from theft. The first thing to keep in mind is that buries the water softener away from any trees. Second important thing is that utilizes landscaping fabric for the protection of the water softener’s base at the time of burying of the system.

Where to place salt bags?

When you decide on the outside installation of the water softener, also think about where to place the salt bags that will require for the future using in the system.

When installing an outside water softener, you have to take many precautions. Along with all precautions, you have to cover the system for its better protection. The utility shed is great in this case. This shed will always protect the water softener and also give a close spot for the storage of the slat bags of the water softener.