Will Filling A Pool Burn Up My Well Pump

Clover Dane

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Filling a pool is an exciting endeavor for homeowners, providing a refreshing escape during hot summer months. However, concerns about the impact on well pumps have led to a common myth that filling a pool can potentially burn up the pump. In this blog, we will delve into the truth behind this belief and explore the factors involved in pool filling and its impact on well pumps. By debunking this myth, we aim to provide homeowners with accurate information and peace of mind.

The belief that filling a pool will inherently cause well pumps to burn up is a misconception. Contrary to this myth, understanding your well pump’s capacity, ensuring proper sizing, and closely monitoring its performance during pool filling are key factors that contribute to a seamless and hassle-free process. It’s advisable to adopt precautionary measures and seek guidance from professionals if uncertainties arise. Rest assured, you can enjoy your pool without concerns about harming your well pump—both elements can coexist harmoniously.

Understanding Well Systems

To comprehend the relationship between pool filling and well pumps, it’s essential to understand how well systems function. A typical well system consists of a well pump, pressure tank, control switch, and associated piping. The well pump draws water from an underground source and delivers it to the pressure tank, which then supplies water to the household’s plumbing fixtures.

The Role of Well Pump Capacity

The capacity of a well pump is an essential aspect to consider when filling a pool. The pump’s capacity refers to the volume of water it can deliver within a specific time frame, typically measured in gallons per minute (GPM) or gallons per hour (GPH). It is crucial to know your well pump’s capacity to determine if it can handle the demands of filling a pool without causing any issues.

Pool Size and Filling Time

The size of the pool and the time required to fill it are significant factors affecting well pump performance. Larger pools obviously require more water, which means a higher demand on the well pump. Similarly, if the filling process takes an extended period, the pump will be continuously operating, potentially leading to overheating or premature wear.

Assessing Well Pump Sizing

To ensure your well pump can handle the demands of pool filling, it is important to assess its sizing. Well pumps are typically sized based on the household’s water needs, including daily usage, irrigation, and other factors. If your well pump was appropriately sized during installation to meet your household’s requirements, it is likely capable of handling pool filling without any issues.

Monitoring the Well Pump’s Performance

Monitoring the well pump’s performance during pool filling is crucial to detect any potential problems. Keep an eye on the pressure gauge and listen for any unusual noises, such as excessive cycling or prolonged running. If you notice any abnormalities, it’s advisable to consult a professional well contractor to assess the situation and provide appropriate guidance.

Mitigating Potential Issues

While the risk of damaging a well pump during pool filling is minimal, there are several precautionary measures you can take to mitigate potential issues. These include:

  • a. Gradual Filling: Instead of filling the pool rapidly, consider a gradual filling approach. This allows the well pump to operate at a more moderate pace, reducing the risk of strain.
  • b. Time Management: Plan the pool filling during off-peak hours, such as early morning or late evening when water demand is generally lower. This reduces the strain on the overall water system.
  • c. Professional Consultation: If you have concerns about your well pump’s capacity or performance, seek advice from a qualified well contractor who can assess your system and provide guidance tailored to your specific needs.

People Also Ask:

Q1: Can filling a pool with well water damage the well pump? A1: Filling a pool using well water can potentially strain the well pump, but it depends on factors like flow rate and pump capacity.

Q2: What precautions should I take when using well water to fill a pool? A2: To avoid damaging the well pump, adhere to recommended flow rates, divide filling sessions, and consult experts if unsure.

Q3: How does the water level in a well affect the pump’s operation? A3: The water level affects pump efficiency; lower levels may lead to pump overheating due to increased workload.

Q4: Are there recommended flow rates for filling pools with well water? A4: Yes, well pump specifications provide optimal flow rates; exceeding these rates can strain the pump.

Q5: Can a well pump handle the demands of pool filling without overheating? A5: With careful monitoring and adherence to guidelines, well pumps can handle pool filling without overheating.

Will it hurt a well pump to fill a pool?

No, it will not hurt a well pump to fill a pool. However, it is important to note that running your well pump for long periods of time can cause it to overheat, which could lead to damage. If you are filling a large pool, it is best to do so over the course of several days to avoid overheating your pump.

How long can a well pump run to fill a pool?

The amount of time a well pump can run to fill a pool depends on a number of factors, including the size of the pool, the flow rate of the pump, and the depth of the well. Generally speaking, however, it is not recommended to run a well pump for more than 2 hours at a time without giving it a chance to rest.

How long can a well pump run before it burns out?

The amount of time a well pump can run before it burns out depends on a number of factors, including the type of pump, the size of the pump, and the conditions under which it is operated. Generally speaking, however, most well pumps are designed to run for several years without burning out.

Can water damage a pool pump?

Yes, water can damage a pool pump if it gets into the motor or electrical components. It is important to keep the pool pump dry and to avoid running it in the rain. If the pool pump does get wet, it is important to dry it off immediately and to have it inspected by a qualified technician.

What burns up a pool pump?

There are a number of things that can burn up a pool pump, including:

  • Running the pump without water
  • Running the pump for too long without giving it a chance to rest
  • Running the pump with a clogged filter
  • Running the pump with a damaged motor
  • Running the pump with a faulty electrical connection

Does chlorine damage water pump?

Yes, chlorine can damage a water pump if it is exposed to it for extended periods of time. It is important to flush the water pump with clean water after each use to remove any chlorine residue.

Is it okay for water pump to get wet?

No, it is not okay for a water pump to get wet. Water can damage the motor and electrical components of the pump. It is important to keep the water pump dry and to avoid running it in the rain. If the water pump does get wet, it is important to dry it off immediately and to have it inspected by a qualified technician.

Are pool pumps water proof?

No, pool pumps are not water proof. Water can damage the motor and electrical components of the pump. It is important to keep the pool pump dry and to avoid running it in the rain. If the pool pump does get wet, it is important to dry it off immediately and to have it inspected by a qualified technician.

Can a pool pump overheat?

Yes, a pool pump can overheat if it is run for too long without giving it a chance to rest or if it is clogged or damaged. It is important to monitor the pool pump for signs of overheating, such as a hot motor or loud noises. If the pool pump does overheat, it is important to turn it off immediately and allow it to cool down.

Will a pool pump burn up without water?

Yes, a pool pump will burn up if it is run without water. Water is necessary to cool the pump and to lubricate the moving parts. Running the pump without water will cause it to overheat and burn out.

Is it OK to run pool pump 24 hours a day?

No, it is not OK to run a pool pump 24 hours a day. Running the pump for too long can cause it to overheat and burn out. It is recommended to run the pool pump for 8-12 hours per day.

How long can a pump run without water?

A pump can run without water for a short period of time, but it is important to not let it run dry for more than a few minutes. Running a pump dry will cause it to overheat and burn out.

Is it OK to run pool pump in rain?

No, it is not OK to run a pool pump in the rain. Water can damage the motor and electrical components of the pump. It is important to turn off the pool pump before it starts to rain and to cover it with a tarp to protect it from the elements.

Safety Guidelines

  • Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for operating and maintaining your well pump or pool pump.
  • Do not run the pump without water.
  • Do not run the pump for too long without giving it a chance to rest.
  • Keep the pump dry and avoid running it in the rain.
  • Have the pump inspected and serviced regularly by a qualified technician.


Filling a pool does not inherently burn up well pumps, contrary to the myth that circulates among homeowners. By understanding the capacity of your well pump, sizing it appropriately, and monitoring its performance during pool filling, you can ensure a smooth and trouble-free process. Remember to take precautionary measures and consult professionals when in doubt. Enjoy your pool without worrying about damaging your well pump; the two can coexist harmoniously.