The Ultimate Showdown: Pur Maxion vs Pur Plus – Which Water Filter Reigns Supreme?

Clover Dane


The Importance of Pur Water Filters in Providing Clean Drinking Water

Access to clean, safe drinking water is a basic human need that is unfortunately not always met. In many areas of the world, tap water can be contaminated with a variety of harmful substances, including lead, chlorine, and bacteria. To address this issue, many people turn to water filters as a way to purify their drinking water.

Pur is a trusted brand in the water filtration industry that offers a range of products designed to remove impurities from tap water. Pur filters use advanced technology to provide the highest level of filtration possible, ensuring that users have access to clean and safe drinking water.

Introducing Pur Maxion vs Pur Plus

While all Pur filters are designed to remove impurities from tap water, there are some key differences between different models. Two popular options are the Pur Maxion and Pur Plus filters. The Pur Maxion filter uses advanced technology that combines activated carbon with an ion exchange resin.

This allows it to remove several contaminants that other filters may miss, including lead and mercury. The filter also has a long lifespan and can be used for up to six months before needing replacement.

The Pur Plus filter uses similar technology but includes additional layers of filtration that can remove chlorine, cysts, sediment and other contaminants as well. It has been certified by NSF International for its ability to reduce over 70 different contaminants in tap water.

In this article, we will compare these two popular options – the Pur Maxion vs Pur Plus – in detail so you can make an informed decision about which one may be best suited for your needs. We will examine the technology behind each filter as well as their benefits and drawbacks when compared head-to-head.

Pur Maxion

Explanation of the technology behind Pur Maxion filters

Pur Maxion filters use a unique blend of materials to provide high-quality filtration for drinking water. The technology behind Pur Maxion filters includes a combination of activated carbon, ion exchange, and mesh screens. Activated carbon is used to remove contaminants such as chlorine and other chemicals that affect taste.

Ion exchange resin is used to reduce heavy metals such as lead and mercury. Mesh screens are used to trap larger particles like sediment and rust.

The combination of these technologies results in a powerful filter that removes up to 99% of contaminants commonly found in tap water. The Pur Maxion filter has been certified by NSF International for its filtration capabilities, which means consumers can trust that it will remove harmful substances from their drinking water.

Benefits of using a Pur Maxion filter, including improved taste and reduction of contaminants such as lead and mercury

One of the main benefits of using a Pur Maxion filter is improved taste. The activated carbon technology removes any unpleasant flavors or odors from tap water.

Additionally, the ion exchange resin reduces the concentration of metallic substances that can affect taste. Another significant benefit is the reduction in contaminants such as lead and mercury.

These heavy metals are dangerous for human consumption and can have long-term health effects if consumed over time. With its advanced filtering capabilities, Pur Maxion ensures that these harmful substances are removed from your drinking water.

Comparison to other types of Pur filters, such as basic and standard

Compared with other types of Pur filters like basic and standard models, Pur Maxion stands out due to its advanced filtration technology. Basic models use only activated carbon for filtering while standard models use additional mesh screens but lack ion exchange resin filtering capabilities found in the pur maxion filter.

Overall, if you’re looking for the highest level of filtration, Pur Maxion is the best option. While it may be slightly more expensive than other Pur filters, its superior technology provides cleaner and safer drinking water for you and your family.

Exploring Pur Plus Technology

Pur Plus filters leverage a multi-stage filtration process to remove contaminants and impurities from water, delivering fresh, clean-tasting water. Each stage is designed for maximum effectiveness in removing specific pollutants. The first stage involves the use of activated carbon to remove chlorine as well as other unpleasant tastes and odors from tap water.

The second stage utilizes a sediment filter that removes dirt, sand, and rust that may be present in the water supply. The third stage incorporates a proprietary media called Maxion that captures heavy metals such as copper, mercury, and lead.

This technology also targets organic compounds such as pesticides and herbicides that may be present in your tap water. At the final stage of purification, another layer of activated carbon is used to ensure any remaining impurities or odors are removed resulting in crisp, clear drinking water.

Benefits of Using Pur Plus Filters

The benefits of using Pur Plus filters are numerous. Firstly, these filters offer superior contaminant reduction compared to many other types of filters available on the market today.

In addition to lead and mercury reduction provided by Maxion technology (featured in both Pur Maxion and Pur Plus), these filters can also remove chlorine taste and odor along with cysts such as Cryptosporidium. Furthermore, using a Pur Plus filter can help alleviate concerns around drinking unsafe or unclean tap water by providing safe drinking water for you and your family at a fraction of the cost of bottled water over time.

Pur Plus vs Other Types of Pur Filters

While it is true that all types of Pur filters help reduce contaminants from your tap water supply; not all are made equal when it comes to filtration capabilities. Although basic purifiers offer some level of protection against impurities like lead or chlorine; they lack several advanced features featured in more advanced models like Pur Maxion and Pur Plus. The standard purifier, although it features Maxion technology, lacks activated carbon layers present in Pur Plus filters which means that it is not able to remove unpleasant odors or tastes from the water.

Conversely, while Pur Maxion does feature an additional layer of activated carbon along with Maxion technology, it is not effective against cysts found in tap water like Cryptosporidium. Therefore, if you are looking for the most comprehensive filtration solution available on the market today; then look no further than a Pur Plus filter.

Differences between Pur Maxion and Pur Plus

Filtration Capabilities

One of the primary differences between the Pur Maxion and Pur Plus filters is their filtration capabilities. The Pur Maxion filter uses a unique technology that combines activated carbon with ion exchange, which allows it to remove more contaminants than the Pur Plus.

Specifically, the Maxion filter can reduce lead, mercury, pharmaceuticals, and certain pesticides, while also improving the taste and odor of tap water. In contrast, the Pur Plus filter can only remove chlorine, cysts, sediment, and some other basic contaminants.


Another significant difference between these two filters is their lifespan. While both filters are designed to last for approximately 2-3 months or up to 100 gallons of water (whichever comes first), there are some variations in how long they may actually last depending on usage patterns. For example, if you have a large family that drinks a lot of water every day or uses it for cooking frequently, you may need to replace your filter more often than if you live alone or don’t use as much water overall.


Cost is another factor that may differ between these two types of filters. Typically speaking, the Pur Maxion filters are slightly more expensive than the Pur Plus filters due to their advanced filtration technology.

However, this difference in price may be negligible depending on where you purchase your filter from and what type of package you choose (e.g., single vs double pack). Additionally, keep in mind that even though Maxion filters are initially more expensive than their counterparts; they can save homeowners money over time as users will have to change them less frequently.

Discussion on which type may be better suited for different households or situations

Ultimately which type – Maxion or Plus – is best for your home depends on your specific needs and requirements. If you live in an area with high levels of lead or other harmful metals, for example, the Maxion filter may be the better option because it has a higher filtration capacity for these contaminants.

On the other hand, if your primary concern is removing chlorine or sediment from your tap water, then the Pur Plus filter may suffice. Another factor to consider when choosing between these two filters is cost.

While Maxion filters are typically more expensive than Pur Plus filters upfront; they could end up being less expensive over time as they generally last longer and require fewer replacements. It’s also important to think about any compatibility issues that may arise when choosing between these two filter types.

For instance, if you have a specific type of faucet or water dispenser that requires a certain type of filter cartridge to function correctly; you will need to ensure that whichever filter you choose is compatible with your equipment. Overall, taking into account all these factors can help determine which one – Pur Maxion or Pur Plus – will be best suited for different households or situations.

Other considerations when choosing a water filter

Water filters are an essential component of healthy living, but choosing the right one can be a daunting task. While the filtration capabilities of water filters are often the most important factor, there are other considerations that may impact your decision between Pur Maxion and Pur Plus filters. Here are some additional factors to consider:

Size and Capacity

The size and capacity of a water filter can have a significant impact on its overall effectiveness. A larger filter will typically have a longer lifespan and may be more effective at removing contaminants, but it may also be more cumbersome to install and maintain. In contrast, smaller filters may be easier to install and maintain but may not last as long or provide as much filtration ability.

When considering size and capacity, it is important to think about the specific needs of your household or workplace. For example, if you have a large family or use large amounts of water frequently, then you might want to consider choosing a larger filter like the Pur Maxion that offers greater capacity for filtration.

Compatibility with Faucets

Another factor to consider when selecting a water filter is its compatibility with faucets. Many different types of faucets exist on today’s market; consequently, not all types of filters will work with all types of faucets.

Before purchasing any type of water filter, we recommend testing its compatibility with your faucet by checking reviews online or consulting with product experts. With respect to compatibility between Pur Maxion vs Pur Plus filters specifically, both types should work well with most standard faucet models; however, certain specialized faucet models might require one type over the other.


Cost is always an essential consideration when making any major purchase – including buying a water filter! Cost varies significantly among different brands and models; some tend towards affordability while others tend towards being high-end and expensive. When comparing Pur Maxion vs Pur Plus filters, cost is another factor to consider.

Pur Plus filters tend to be less expensive than the Pur Maxion filters, making them a more budget-friendly option for some households. However, the higher price point of the Pur Maxion filter can be justified by its superior filtration capacity and longer lifespan.

Choosing a water filter requires careful consideration of your household or workplace’s specific needs and budget. While both the Pur Maxion and Pur Plus filters are excellent options for providing clean drinking water, other factors such as size, compatibility with faucets, and cost should also be taken into account when making your decision between these two types of filters.


The Best Option for Your Home

When deciding between a Pur Maxion and a Pur Plus filter, it ultimately comes down to the specific needs of your home. If you are primarily concerned with removing heavy metals like lead and mercury from your water, the Pur Maxion may be the better option for you.

However, if improving taste and removing contaminants like chlorine, cysts, and sediment is your priority, the Pur Plus may be the more suitable choice. It’s important to consider other factors as well, such as size and compatibility with your faucet.

Make sure to carefully read through product descriptions and user reviews before making a decision. Both filters are highly effective in providing clean drinking water, so you can’t go wrong with either one.

Investing in Clean Water

Investing in a high-quality water filter like the Pur Maxion or Pur Plus is not only beneficial for your health but also for the environment. By reducing your reliance on bottled water, you can help decrease plastic waste and reduce carbon emissions from transportation.

Furthermore, having access to clean drinking water at all times can improve your overall well-being. You may notice an improvement in skin quality, digestion, energy levels, and even mood.

The Future of Water Filtration

As technology continues to advance rapidly in all sectors of life including filtration systems research must continue to develop new methods of removing harmful contaminants from our water supply effectively without producing additional environmental harm or cost. The demand for sustainable filtration systems that provide clean drinking water will only increase as the world progresses towards more eco-friendly practices while still aiming for cleanliness standards within society’s households’ lives. pur maxion vs pur plus has shown that both have their advantages over each other depending on what kind of household use they are intended for along with their different features but both offer excellent quality for those who are environmentally responsible and health-conscious.