Clearing the Way: A Comprehensive Guide on How to Reset Your Brita Longlast Filter

Clover Dane

Resetting a Brita Longlast Filter

Brita Longlast filters are designed to provide high-quality, great-tasting water for up to six months. By using activated carbon and ion exchange resin, they filter out impurities such as chlorine, lead, and mercury.

However, after six months of use or 120 gallons of water filtered, the filter needs to be replaced in order to maintain its effectiveness. Resetting your Brita Longlast filter is an important step when replacing the old filter with a new one.

If you don’t reset the filter, it could lead to inaccurate tracking of how much water has been filtered and ultimately affect its performance. The reset process ensures that your new filter starts fresh and provides you with the cleanest and freshest tasting water possible.

Purpose of the Article

The purpose of this article is to provide you with detailed step-by-step instructions on how to reset your Brita Longlast filter. We will guide you through each stage of the process so that you can confidently reset your filter without any errors or confusion.

Whether you have just purchased a new Brita pitcher or dispenser or have recently replaced an old filter with a new one, resetting the filter is crucial for optimal performance. We understand that resetting your Brita Longlast might seem like a daunting task for some people who are not familiar with it.

That’s why we have created this comprehensive guide specifically for those who need help resetting their filters. By following our instructions detailed in this article, you will be able to easily reset your Brita Longlast and enjoy high-quality filtered water once again.

What is a Brita Longlast Filter?

Brita Longlast filters are water filters designed to remove impurities such as chlorine, lead, and mercury from tap water. The filters are made with activated carbon and ion exchange resin that work together to reduce the presence of contaminants in the water. These types of filters are long-lasting compared to other Brita filters on the market, lasting up to six months or 120 gallons before needing replacement.

The Brita Longlast filter is designed for use in pitchers or dispensers specifically made for this type of filter. It is important to note that this filter should not be used with hot water or with water that has been microbiologically unsafe or of unknown quality without adequate disinfection before or after filtration.

How does it work?

The Brita Longlast filter works through a process called adsorption, where impurities in the water stick to the surface area of the activated carbon within the filter. The ion exchange resin also helps remove heavy metals and other contaminants by replacing them with less harmful ions like sodium and potassium.

The design of the Brita Longlast filter includes a micro-screen layer that helps prevent particles from getting into your drinking water, ensuring only clean, fresh-tasting water enters your glass. The filtration system works best when a pitcher is filled completely so that there is maximum contact time between the activated carbon and contaminated water.

Why does it need resetting?

The Brita Longlast filter needs resetting after replacement because it has an electronic indicator that tracks how much life is left in the filter cartridge. When you replace your old cartridge with a new one, you must reset this indicator so it can accurately monitor how much life remains in your new cartridge. If you forget to reset your indicator light on time after installing a new filter, it may cause the filter to wear out faster than expected or allow contaminants to flow through without being properly filtered.

Resetting the filter indicator also ensures that you get the maximum lifespan from your filter, as it will continue to provide fresh-tasting water for up to six months or 120 gallons. Now that you understand what a Brita Longlast filter is, how it works, and why it needs resetting let’s proceed with a step-by-step guide on how to reset your Brita Longlast filter after replacing it.

Signs that Your Brita Longlast Filter Needs to be Reset

Brita Longlast filters are designed to last for up to six months or 120 gallons of water, whichever comes first. However, depending on the quality of your incoming water and how heavily you use your pitcher or dispenser, you may need to reset your filter before it reaches its maximum lifespan. Here are some of the signs that indicate that your filter needs to be reset:

Slow Water Flow

If you notice that the water flow from your Brita pitcher or dispenser is slower than usual, this may be a sign that your filter needs to be reset. Over time, impurities in the tap water can clog the filter’s pores, reducing its capacity to purify the water effectively. If you’ve been using a single filter for more than six months without resetting it, try resetting it to see if this improves the water flow.

Bad Taste or Odor

If the water from your Brita pitcher or dispenser has an unpleasant taste or odor even after replacing the filter with a new one, this may be a sign that your old filter needed resetting before replacement. When filters go unreplaced for too long they may not work optimally and affect users experience with bad tastes and odors.

Pitcher Indicator Light is On

If you have a Brita pitcher with an electronic indicator light on top indicating when it’s time replace a new Longlast Filter; when this light goes from green (good) to yellow (replace soon) even though it should still have life remaining – try resetting the filter first before making any replacements. It is essential to monitor your Brita Longlast filter closely so you can know when it needs resetting.

Most people don’t realize the importance of resetting their filter, especially when using Longlast filters. By paying attention to the signs above and taking appropriate action, you can enjoy clean and safe drinking water all the time.

How to Reset a Brita Longlast Filter

Removing the Old Filter

The first step in resetting your Brita Longlast filter is to remove the old filter from your pitcher or dispenser. This can be done by lifting the top section of your pitcher or opening your dispenser and then removing the filter cartridge. Be sure to dispose of the old filter cartridge properly, according to local regulations.

Soaking the New Filter

Once you have removed the old filter, it’s time to soak the new one in cold water for approximately 15 minutes. This step is important because it helps activate the carbon within the filter and helps remove any excess carbon dust that may be present. The cold water should come from a clean source, such as a tap or filtered water.

Inserting and Resetting Your New Filter

After soaking your new filter, insert it into your pitcher or dispenser by lining up the arrow on the cartridge with that on your pitcher/dispenser’s reservoir. Press down firmly until you feel/hear a click indicating that it is securely attached.

Press down on and hold down (for about 10 seconds) on your pitcher/dispenser’s “reset” button until all four bars light up on its display panel. This will indicate that you have successfully reset your Brita Longlast filter and can now enjoy fresh-tasting filtered water once again.

It’s important to note that while this process may seem simple, following these steps ensures optimal performance from your Brita Longlast filters for their stated lifetime of six months or 120 gallons (depending on whichever comes first). Correctly resetting this product will protect you from bacteria growth while improving longevity of both unit and filters alike!

Tips for Maintaining Your Brita Longlast Filter

Keep Track of the Filter’s Age

It is essential to keep track of the filter’s age to ensure that it functions correctly and effectively. Brita recommends replacing the Longlast filter every six months or after filtering 120 gallons of water.

However, it is crucial to note that the filter’s lifespan may vary depending on your usage and water quality. Therefore, keeping a log of when you started using the filter can help you track its age and know when to replace it.

Clean Your Pitcher or Dispenser Regularly

Cleaning your pitcher or dispenser regularly will help maintain your Brita Longlast filter’s efficiency and prolong its lifespan. To clean, first remove the filter and rinse out any remaining water from the pitcher or dispenser.

Next, wash with warm soapy water and rinse thoroughly with clean water. Wipe down with a cloth and allow it to dry completely before replacing the filter.

Store Your Filter Properly

Storing your Brita Longlast filter in proper conditions will help maintain its effectiveness for longer periods before needing replacement. When not in use, store your new filters in their original packaging in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight until needed.


Ensuring that your Brita Longlast Filter is maintained properly is essential to guarantee clean drinking water in your home at all times. By following these tips for maintaining your Longlast filter properly, you can rest assured that you have an effective filtration system that lasts longer while providing safe drinking water for you and your family. Remember always to keep track of how often you replace your filters, regularly clean your pitcher or dispenser and store filters correctly for optimal performance.